Tree Ordinance
Anyone within the city limits of Statesboro seeking to develop or clear trees from a property, other than a single-family property, must comply with the City of Statesboro’s Urban Forest Beautification and Conservation Ordinance (“tree ordinance”). Such developments must provide the required amount of greenspace and tree canopy coverage. The City of Statesboro’s Urban Forest Beautification and Conservation Ordinance can be viewed in its entirety at under Chapter 86 – Vegetation.
Drainage Control Ordinance
The purpose of the drainage control ordinance is to promote the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City in regard to water drainage, flood conditions and development as it relates to these concerns. The provisions regulate the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert floodwaters or which may increase flood hazards to other lands and can be dangerous to health, safety and property due to water drainage, collection and disposal, or flood heights or velocities. The City of Statesboro’s subdivision regulation ordinance can be viewed in its entirety HERE
Subdivision Regulations
The subdivision regulations ordinance is used to determine the City’s standards for new developments within its jurisdiction. Subdivision regulations set out the definition of a subdivision or re-subdivision of property into more than one tract of land, and require the recording of a detailed plat after approval by the city showing the relationship of the proposed development’s lots, road system and all utilities. This assures our citizens of two primary purposes: that the systems, especially the street system, have been logically extended and connected back to the existing system using sound urban planning techniques and that the infrastructure that is installed complies with the City’s standards. The City of Statesboro’s subdivision regulation ordinance can be viewed in its entirety HERE